In the past eight weeks here are some of the things I've loved...
1. The sounds that he makes when he is sleeping. When he giggles, it melts my heart.
2. He sucks on his hands when he's falling asleep. Kind of weird, but it's honestly the cutest thing.
3. He smiles at us! We can make silly faces or smile and he'll try to mimic it all!
4. He 'goos'. It's such a great sound to hear! He's starting to talk!
5. Changing his diaper and clothes in the morning is so special. He is in the best mood and there are smiles everywhere!
6. When you hold him up over your shoulder, he wraps his arm around yours.
7. He rolled over yesterday in his sleep for the first time! :) Such a proud mommy! hehe
8. His little ears. His big lips. His gorgeous round eyes. His hair that parts to the side and is turning strawberry blonde!
8. He is such a good baby!! We are so blessed!
Here are Collins' 2 month photos. I think a couple really capture his 'little' guy personality, double chin and all.
"Goo-ing" at mommy. :)
Trent went to Kansas City this weekend for a good friend's wedding, so I headed out to Mom and Dad's. Just like old times. It was so refreshing in more ways than one...First of all, Trent and I love being with our families. We have the best relationships with our families and we cherish every minute with them. Whenever we leave either of their homes, we just feel a new calm full of love and care. Second, mom let me sleep in on Saturday until 10:30! I woke up to feed him at 7, but mom took him downstairs to let him make his little sounds by her. I felt like a new mom! :) We went on walks, went shopping, laid out by the pool, when to church, and just loved being lazy. No where to go...nothing to do. When you're a new mom, these moments are priceless!! Melisa-Beth spent the weekend with us too!!
Shopping in Hamburg!
Naptime with Lucie...good thing she doesn't weigh much! :)
My April bunny tee!
Bath time in BeeBee's sink!
I am so loved! BeeBee held me, Mommy washed me, and GranPaul rinsed me off and kept me warm with the water!
My Aunt Sis always makes me smile!
My Mommy and Aunt Sis had the same dress on!! What a funny coincidence!
We missed Daddy so much and couldn't wait for him to get home. Collins and I both got the BEST hug and kiss from Daddy when he walked in the door. Trent said he got teary eyed at one moment during the weekend....when he watched the mother-son dance. Oh my...I pray from the bottom of my heart that I am here to experience this beautiful moment with Collins. There will be tears everywhere.
We are celebrating Collins' two month birthday on Wednesday. GranPaul is traveling and he has to be there! We don't mind postponing the celebration for him!
I hope all you Spring Breakers had a wonderful week!
PS: Last Thursday we went on our first family picnic. :)Daddy packed us a yummy dinner and protected us from the ducks! I'm in love with my little family!
He's so cute! :)
Thanks Meg! :) XO